About Me

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United States
My husband and I started yard selling about 20 years ago when our two boys were in elementary school. It was something we enjoyed and we could do together without them. It also made it possible for me to decorate our home on a budget. We love old rustic things that we can use either the way we find them or by doing what is necessary to make them part of our home. Having a talented partner makes it nice for refinishing / repairing some of the things we buy and when I have an idea of some unique thing I want in my home, he is usuaally able to build it for me. We also build and paint decorations for our family and friends that I will be sharing. Most of them are for Christmas so I should be posting alot very soon. I hope you enjoy looking.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Our first Thanksgiving on our own.

 I love looking at other blogs that have decorating ideas and it seems alot of them have beautiful table scapes,  so I wanted to give it a shot.  My Family has always celebrated Thanksgiving on the Saturday after the holiday.  This is the first year I have had just MY family without my Sisters and their families So I wanted to start some new traditions.  Since my house is completely decorated for christmas one of my sons said it wouldn't be a big deal if I wanted to go with a christmas theme so I could use my christmas dishes that I NEVER get to use.......... so........ this is my first attemt minus the silverware and lit candles. It appears I need to invest in some more items but I loved it. It was soooo nice, relaxing and very enjoyable. It was everything I had hoped for and so much more.